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12th May 2020

Guidance on the wider opening of education and childcare settings

Yesterday we published guidance on our plans to open education and childcare settings to more children from 1 June.

Guidance on the actions for education and childcare settings to prepare for wider opening from 1 June can be found here:

Guidance on implementing protective measures in education and childcare settings can be found here:

Guidance for parents and carers as schools and other education settings in England open to more children and young people can be found here:

Safer travel guidance for passengers during the coronavirus outbreak

The Department for Transport has published guidance on travelling safely during the coronavirus outbreak, providing information on walking, cycling, using private vehicles, travelling in taxis and on public transport. Information on children travelling on public transport is also provided in this guidance.

The guidance can be found here:

Working safely during the coronavirus outbreak

The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy has published guidance on working safely during the coronavirus outbreak. This guidance is to help employers and employees understand how to work safely and covers offices, labs and research facilities, construction and factories which may be relevant to some education settings.

The guidance can be found here: